2024 Awards

IUPB Awardees

Finsen Medalists

Finsen Medals are awarded to distinguished photobiologists for their outstanding contributions to the photosciences. These medals recognize scientists who have worked in the photosciences for a considerable number of years.

Kristian Berg
Institute of Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, Norway

Jean Krutmann
IUF – Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine, Düsseldorf Germany

Yoshitaka Fukada
Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan

Finsen Lecturer

Finsen Lecturers are promising photoscientists who have achieved breakthroughs or similar accomplishments in the photosciences

Keiichi Inoue
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Edna Roe Lecturers are promising photoscientists who have achieved breakthroughs or similar accomplishments in the photosciences.

Edna Roe Lecturer

Angela Falciatore
CNRS/Sorbonne University, Paris, France

MEPSA Awardee

Vivienne Reeve Lecturer

Prue Hart
Telethon Institute, Perth, Western Australia