Professor Tayyaba Hasan
Tayyaba Hasan, PhD is a Professor of Dermatology at Harvard Medical School and a Professor of Health Sciences and Technology at Harvard-MIT. She’s a leader in targeted photodynamic therapy including nanotechnologies to treat and diagnose cancer and infections.
She’s invented a treatment for Age-Related Macular Degeneration, benefiting millions of patients worldwide. With ~300 publications and over 30 inventions Dr Hasan was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors. She leads an NCI-funded multinational grant project on image-guided treatment of pancreatic and skin cancers as well as an international consortium developing low-cost technologies for image-guided photodynamic therapy of oral cancer.
Dr Hasan’s successful translational studies and other discoveries earned her the coveted US National Institutes of Health Pioneer Award in Biomedical Optics Award. She is the recipient of 5 Lifetime Achievement awards from leading scientific organizations, including the ICPP, the Society of American Asian Scientists in Cancer Research, the American Society for Photobiology, and 2 Gold Medals, for Excellence in Photobiological Research, from the European Society for Photobiology and the International Photodynamic Association. She also has many awards for her commitment to mentoring, teaching, and equitable representation in science.